Wetlands are found between areas that are always wet and areas that are always dry. They may hold standing water year-round or for only a few weeks a year.
There are four types of wetlands in Illinois characterized based on water, soil, and plants: marshes, forested wetlands, wet meadows, and bogs or fens. Learn more in the publication Living with Wetlands: a Handbook for Homeowners in Northeastern Illinois.
How Wetlands Manage WaterThis animated video uses simple illustrations and clear language to explain how wetlands manage water and support watershed health. Wetlands exist throughout a watershed. Collectively all of the wetlands in our watersheds reduce flood damages, help keep our waters clean, and ensure we have water to drink and use in our communities. |
Wetlands: Vital SolutionsThis video is a “Wetlands 101” that explains what wetlands are and why they matter. The video features wetland conservation professionals explaining how wetlands can be solutions in our communities and how you can help protect them. |
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