Through various channels of community planning and floodplain management, your local government can help to prepare for and prevent flooding in your community.
Hazard Mitigation Plans
Hazard mitigation planning is a process that governments use to identify risks and vulnerabilities associated with natural hazards and to develop long-term strategies for protecting people and property from future hazard events.
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Stormwater Master Plans
Stormwater Master Planning is a term that has come to mean a wide variety of things. Municipalities often prepare stormwater master plans in order to identify and budget for future stormwater projects.
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Capital Improvement Plans
A capital improvement plan (CIP) is a dynamic community planning and fiscal management tool used to coordinate the timing and financing of capital improvements over a multi-year period.
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Floodplain management
FEMA defines Floodplain management as the operation of a community program of preventive and corrective measures to reduce the risk of current and future flooding, resulting in a more resilient community.
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